Friday, March 11, 2016

Bilirubin Blues: Unexpected Turn of Events

I got a text from Jordan at 11am today saying that they moved him back upstairs in intensive care on the 4th floor because he was having bloody stool. My heart dropped. "But he was doing so well last night," I thought to myself, "why he is bleeding again?" I had already decided to take a half-day that day because it had been a long week and I needed a break.

Once I got off work at noon I went over to see Jordan. He was back in his hospital gown sucking on swabs and looked miserable. He told me that they wanted to do a colonoscopy to hopefully find where he was bleeding and put a stop to it. He was getting ready to head to the OR soon after I got there.

Because they went in with the endoscopy and bond 4 varices they wanted to take a look at the other end to see if maybe a varice on his lower stomach or colon was causing the bleeding. I kissed him good-bye as they wheeled him away and called his parents.

Thankfully his parents were able to be there when he came out of surgery because I had to go home and let the dog out. (I had lunch with my Mom, which was so nice and very encouraging. Love you Mom!)

Once I came back to his room and asked his parents how the surgery went I could read the answer on their faces. They didn’t find anything during the colonoscopy. They didn’t know what was causing the bleeding. They said they wanted to send him the IU University to have more specialized doctors look at him.

Needless to say I was distraught. Living so close has been a blessing. Driving 30 minuets downtown is going to be challenging.

After Jordan heard the news of the results he was very discouraged and depressed. This was day 6 and he was weary of being in the hospital and not getting better. Any progress that he made would be met with another set back leaving him feeling like this was not going to end.

The hope of being transferred downtown is so that more specialized doctors can monitor him and figure out why he is still bleeding. If he does start bleeding again they will be able to respond more quickly. But because of the bed crisis in Indy he is waiting for a room tonight. It is possible they could transfer him tonight if a bed becomes available or they will wait until morning. He was put on a clear liquids diet today so he at least he is able to eat, even though he is sick of Jell-O and chicken broth.

Please pray for perseverance and encouragement through the spirit for Jordan. He is very weary and ready to come home. He wants to get better and do what the doctors say but this stay is taking a toll emotionally.

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