Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Results of our Meeting with the Liver Specialist

Jordan and I would both say that we were a little nervous about our meeting with the Liver Specialist. We didn’t know what kind of doctor he would be and we had a lot of questions on our minds. It had been a long week and we needed some good news. What we needed most was hope.

The clinic was literally across the street from our neighborhood so we were there in less than 10 minutes. Once we got signed in we didn’t even wait a full 5 minutes until we were taken back into the room. Everything there was so efficient and quick; another reason why we love IU Health.

After getting some vitals and waiting less than 5 minuets the Liver Specialist came it. He was the kindest, most sincere doctor that we have encountered this whole journey. He was patience with us and took the time to explain everything to us and answered all of our questions before we even asked them.

One of the first things that he asked Jordan was when the drinking started. He congratulated Jordan for stopping completely on his own without any intervention or rehab. He said that was a big deal and the first step in this whole process. He was very impressed with Jordan’s ability and resolve to quit when he did back in July 2015.

After assessing all of his medical records from all of his hospital visits from August 2015 up until the most recent one this month he was able to give us a clear and concise prognoses and plan moving forward. He was very hopeful in Jordan’s case and proceeded to explain why.

Jordan’s liver is what he would classify as Type B. Meaning that yes, it is damaged and there is cirrhosis of the liver but with some care and time it could become a completely functioning liver again. Just a quick side note, he did say that doctors use different terminology for cirrhosis of the liver; some say liver failure or end stage liver failure. While all that is true, the liver is failing to preform efficiently and not working properly, there are different stages of cirrhosis that vary in severity.

He gave the analogy of a car that has been in an accident. There is Type A, where the car has been in an accident and has suffered some minor bumps but it starts just fine and runs well. There is Type B, where after a car has been in an accident it makes some noise, needs some attention, needs some repairs, but it will turn on and run OK. Then there is Type C, where the car is damaged so much in the accident that it will not start and is totaled and needs replaced. Jordan’s liver is not totaled, it just needs some repairs and careful attention but with time it will run and function just fine.

Therefore at this time the doctor did not foresee a liver transplant in Jordan’s future. He said that if Jordan did what he said to do he could live the rest of his life with the liver he has right now. He was hopeful for Jordan’s future and said that within one year’s time he will see improved quality of life and live a long and productive life.

So the doctors gave us 4 things to do to help his liver. Abstain from ever drinking again, quit smoking completely, eat nutritious food, and exercise. He said if Jordan does these 4 things and continues with his medications and follow up appointments he will see a complete recovery and his liver function will go from a Type B to a Type A. Which is a properly functioning liver that has some scarring from the cirrhosis.

Right now Jordan still has some portal hypertension in his abdomen causing swelling. He is taking medication to reduce the swelling but will have to take it easy to avoid causing too much pressure. The doctor said that his veins are like a tight balloon right now, a little too much pressure and it could burst causing more bleeding. With medication and rest the pressure will subside, as the liver will continue to heal with time.

He reassured Jordan the reason for the most recent hospital stay was nothing he did. It was just a symptom of poor liver function and said people have died going through what Jordan went through. And that he was pleased with Jordan’s progress and is hopeful for his future.

We were very encouraged after meeting with the Liver Specialist. He said his liver is in better shape than it was in August 2015, that his blood pressure was beautiful and his kidneys look great. With rest and time and following what the doctors say he will make a full recovery and have a great quality of life.

We are so thankful for this news and the many doctors that have helped Jordan this last month. We are encouraged with the state of his liver and that it will continue to improve and heal over time. We thank God for allowing us the opportunity to trust him when life is hard and give Him all the glory.


  1. Absolutely WONDERFUL! That is the best are blessed!

  2. SO, SO thankful to hear this news. Rejoicing and praising God with you. Love to you, Mary Beth (Oblinger) Lundgren
