About Us

this is a blog about us.

my husband Jordan and i have been married for almost 5 years. during that time was have been through a lot of suffering and hardship; whether from our own doing or out of our control.

this includes job loss, unemployment, financial struggles, debt, addictions, illness, idolatry, anxiety, fear, apathy, and questioning the faith. through all this we have stood by each other's side, supporting and encouraging each other as best we could.

now on the other side of the destructive patterns and attitudes that were so prevalent during the first years of marriage, we are now on a road of change, discovery, and renewal; more connected and close than we have ever been in our marriage.

this is a place where i want to share our lives; the struggles and triumphs, and how we overcame the worst season of our marriage. we are best friends and soul mates and i can't imagine my life without him by my side.

i love you baby cakes and look forward to the rest of my life with you.

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